fredag, august 26, 2005


I Åsane ligger det et varehus ved navn IKEA. (Det er også et i Oslo, et i Trondheim, og flere andre steder som jeg ikke kjenner til spesifikt, men uansett.)
IKEA kan gi deg ganske mange forskjellige varer billig og bra. Men for en som ikke er vant med å bruke mye over 15 minutter i en butikk av gangen, kan en tur til IKEA bli litt tøft. Vel, det var akkurat det som skjedde meg...
IKEA er som sagt veldig bra. Det eneste problemet som noen ganger dukker opp er at utgangen av og til føles så uendelig langt unna. Første gang jeg var der gikk jeg meg for eksempel vill. Heldigvis dukket det plutselig opp noen venner av meg som kunne hjelpe meg med veien ut. (Senere har jeg funnet ut at pilene på gulvet gir noen gode hint.)
De siste par gangene har derimot folk som jeg har hatt med meg hatt et mye større behov enn jeg har for å bruke mer tid (2 og en halv og 3 timer for å være spesifik). Dette har selvsagt resultert i en øvelse i tålmodighet for meg. Heldigvis har alle vært fornøyd til slutt, og jeg har sikkert ikke hatt vondt av det i det lange løp. (Håper jo tross alt å bli gift en gang jeg også, og da kan slik trening komme godt med.)

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Hehe...jeg var på IKEA i høst med en kamerat som aldri før hadde satt foten innfor butikken. Jeg skulle "bare" kjøpe en stol, men endte jo opp, så klart, å tråle butikken for gøye og kule nips-naps. Kameraten min taklet dette veldig bra ved å sette seg i en stor, myk sofa i "sofa-avdelingen" og se på TV. En oppfinnsom og god ide syntes jeg :) Kanskje du skal prøve den neste gang?!!?

Steinar sa...

IKEA ja... Her er det om å gjøre å trå varsomt...
Hva med å se det hele som et "spill" i ekte 3D?

IKEA seen as a real life 3D game

01/27 2004 - Virtual reality games can never beat the true exprerience of a real life role play. And when decides to see an IKEA visit as "a meticulously detailed alternate reality filled with garish colors, clear-lacquered birch veneer, and a host of NON-PLAYER CHARACTERS" it is well worth mentioning. So. Here's part of it. Go to for the full experience.



IKEA is a fully immersive, 3D environmental adventure that allows you to role-play the character of someone who gives a shit about home furnishings. In traversing IKEA, you will experience a meticulously detailed alternate reality filled with garish colors, clear-lacquered birch veneer, and a host of NON-PLAYER CHARACTERS (NPCs) with the glazed looks of the recently anesthetized.


Your goal is to successfully traverse the five awesome worlds of IKEA before your patience runs out. On your first few tries this may seem like an impossible task, but with practice (and this IKEA Walkthrough!) you will soon be able to muster the sense of numb resignation necessary for victory.


Your adventure begins! Drive your vehicle into the IKEA underground PARKING LOT. Your task is to find the fabled PARKING SPOT hidden deep within this toxic cavern. Your search will not be easy, as the PARKING SPOT may not appear until you first qualify by completing several dozen laps. As in all worlds, time is of the essence: If you are unable to find the PARKING SPOT in 180 minutes or less, you may become irritated and leave.

Although your vehicle comes equipped with a braking mechanism (the "B" pedal), the secret to success in this world is to never decelerate. If there are cars in front of you, bump them out of the way until you are able to pass. Although you may think it makes sense to slow down while navigating sharp turns, it is almost always quicker to keep your accelerator (the "A" pedal) depressed to the fullest, crash your vehicle into a wall or parked car as you round the corner, and resume acceleration from a standstill.

To find the PARKING SPOT you will need to venture down the many lanes throughout the PARKING LOT. WARNING: Always look before entering a lane, as many will contain idiots who have elected to simply stop their Ford Excursions in the middle of the passageway and wait for someone to leave. If you inadvertently find yourself trapped behind one of these morons and have selected a vehicle with side-mounted rocket-launchers, use them now.

REMEMBER: Every person you run down in this world is one less you'll have to deal with in future levels, so never miss an opportunity for carnage!

Intrigued? Go to for the next four worlds and the finale!